Rune factory 3 marriage
Rune factory 3 marriage

rune factory 3 marriage

Insecure Love Interest: Even after they're married, she'll constantly ask Micah for reassurance that he loves her.Freakiness Shame: Micah pretty much tells her "But your wings are beautiful" after she reveals her phoenix form.Cute Monster Girl: She's actually a humanoid Phoenix who can shapeshift into a totally human form.Continuity Nod: In her cameo in Rune Factory 4, she mentions gifts for Karina, Sofia, and Evelyn, refers to Gaius as her father who isn't a father and makes really good equipment that he forgets to sell, and blushes while saying that Woolies are her favorite monster.Badass Longcoat: She is almost never seen without her signature white longcoat over her Bare Your Midriff top.She's the first girl Micah meets while he's conscious.

rune factory 3 marriage

Mostly silent and sour-faced, although she's hiding a secret. Voiced By: Emiri Katou (JP) Cindy Robinson (EN)

  • White Magician Girl: She's very feminine, plays a healer role when taken into battle, and takes in any wounded monster despite her grandfather's protests.
  • Sleepwalking: According to Monica, Shara will sometimes sleepwalk into her bed.
  • She also forms this with Kuruna when they meet.
  • Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: She loves to talk about how cute Raven is.
  • Parental Abandonment: She and Monica live with their grandfather, and it's never specified where their parents are.
  • The Medic: If Micah takes her out adventuring, she mostly stands back and heals him.
  • To the point that regardless of which girl the player has Micah marry, the ending cinematic will always show Shara being the one he runs to embrace, which can be off-putting to say the least.
  • Official Couple: She's the canon heroine.
  • Also applies to her Japanese name as the town and tree are called "Sialens".
  • Location Theme Naming: In-universe, Shara is named after the tree and town.
  • Innocent Flower Girl: She wears flowers as part of her daily attire and she loves to receive them as gifts.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Her weapon of choice is a watering can, and she calls it "Mr.
  • I Call It "Vera": She fights with a Tin Waterpot that she calls "Mr.
  • Friend to All Living Things: She doesn't have the same bias against monsters like her grandfather does.
  • Monica thinks Shara's the foolish sibling, when she's actually playing along to make her feel mature.

    rune factory 3 marriage

    Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Subverted.Cool Big Sis: Acts as this for Monica when she's not scolding her for biting Micah.She initially finds Micah injured outside in his wooly form and takes care of him overnight. The canon heroine, a girl who tends the flower shop with her grandfather Wells and sister Monica. Voiced By: Yukari Fukui (JP) Caitlin Glass (EN) Voluntary Shapeshifting: Via the aforementioned transformation belt, Micah is capable of assuming the form of a Wooly.Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Micah's wooly form can throw around monsters many times his size.Given that Sharance seems to be a town of Cloudcuckoolanders, he's not completely wrong. Only Sane Man: A good deal of his dialogue shows that he considers himself this.Killer Rabbit: Woolies are some of the weakest, least-aggressive monsters in the series.Up to Eleven since a 4 of his potential wives aren't human. Interspecies Romance: He's half Wooly, so any relationship will be this.Farm tools, vegetables, backscratchers, cutlery, all are valid weapons. Improbable Weapon User: The king of them all.Henshin Hero: Complete with transformation belt.Easy Amnesia: Although he does recover later.Determinator: At the end, walking through a TIDAL WAVE OF MAGICAL DRAGON GOD MAGIC AND LOGS for the sake of his fiancée.Deadpan Snarker: Moreso than the heroes of the other games.He ends up playing the voice of reason role. Comic Trio: He gets sucked into one with Sakuya and Pia when you do their requests.Like the other two games in the main series, he ends up in town with no memories and is given a farm to tend. An odd young man who can transform into a Wooly by means of a Transformation Trinket.

    Rune factory 3 marriage